Carefree Education Service Group

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As Co-Founder of the Carefree Education Service Group Mrs Davis has been involved with education in various capacities for over 30 years. Holding a belief that all children should have experiences that stretch their learning and thinking every day. Mrs. Davis has worked tirelessly to remove learning barriers for all students. By working with educational providers, community organizations, and parents/guardians, Mrs. Davis is able to assist with creating and organizing educational systems that best meet the needs of children, schools, and families. She has worked in rural, suburban, and city environments and believes that in all of these settings children will learn if provided with quality instruction and high expectations. Mrs Davis received her Bachelor of Science Degree in Elementary Education and a GIfted Education Endorsement from Kent State University. She received a Masters Degree from Ashland University in Curriculum and Instruction. Mrs Davis attended Youngstown State University to earn a licensure in Educational Administration. Following a passion for literacy Mrs Davis had the privilege of attending The Ohio State University to train as a Literacy Collaborative Coach. She is still highly involved with the Literacy Collaborative community. She has extensive experience teaching in the elementary grades and teaching students who are gifted. She has worked as a gifted coordinator and has spent the last several years as a Director of Teaching and Learning. Esse tempor voluptate eu sit cupidatat fugiat aute esse, officia et proident. Aliquip, lorem id laboris, officia tempor, velit deserunt in, ut nostrud voluptate magna consectetur veniam excepteur.

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About our Partnership
Carefree Education Service Group | 141 Lucretia Lane | Columbiana, Ohio | 44408| Tel: 330-429-6985
Partners in Education